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45  Now, and many times, names are in the Bible. We don't notice it no more, today. We… You've often heard me scorn this name, of children calling… or people calling their children "Ricky." Now, Ricky is a horrible name! See? And it's a… you mustn't call them that. If you got a child named Ricky, for goodness sakes, change it to something else. Ricky, or—or Elvis, or something like that,.… Ricky means "a rat." See? And so you—you go… And—and what you call a person, that impresses that. A little lady, the other day, had a little boy out there called "Ricky" and his name's Ricky, James Ricky. And because it was so popular (Ricky), they called him "Ricky." I said, "Change that name!"

46  I notice some people setting right here now that's got a little grandson, and his name is… the one—one little boy's a sweetest, pleasant little fellow; and the other one is Ricky, and that's what he is. You just watch him, his nature's just like that. And he… I said to some of his grandparents, or someone, I said, "Tell the mother change the name of that boy, just change that name over and watch what happens to the kid." See, you people don't want to believe that. We think we've lived too long for that.

47  If there isn't something in a name, then why as long as Jacob was called Jacob, which means "supplanter, deceiver," that's what he was? But when he wrestled with the Lord all night, and the Lord changed his name, and about… when he was about sixty years old. He changed his name from—from—from Jacob to Israel, "a prince before God," and that's what he was.

Why was Abram called… had to be called "Abraham" before the baby could be born? Why was Sarai called "Sarah" before the baby could be born?

Why was Paul… or call… his name was Saul, but when he met Jesus, He changed him from Saul to "Paul."

When Simon was changed from Simon to Peter, which means "little stone." And—and all their names were changed, is because what you are called is something about it. When you speak something, it identifies itself. I don't

    63-1222 - God's Gifts Always Find Their Places
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

Now you say, "There is nothing in a name."

192  Then why did He change Abraham's name from Abram to Abraham? Why did He change Jacob's name from Jacob, "supplanter," to Israel, "prince with God"? Why did He change Saul's name to Paul? Sure, his name, certainly, certainly does mean something. Certainly does. If you're not named right, God will change it, if He has called you. Yes, sir.

    64-0403 - Jehovah-Jireh #2

255  Now look at the age now where we're living. Aren't we living right in that Sodom time? Watch the messenger to Abraham's group. Watch the numbers, letters, and the numerology of his name. You say, "There's nothing in a name." Don't you never let anybody tell you that. Why did He change Abram's name, to Abraham, Sarra to Sarah? Why did He change Simon to Peter, and all those other? See? Sure there is. Exactly!

256  That's the reason I say don't ever call your child "Ricky," or "Elvis," or something. Elvis means "cat," Ricky's a "rat." See, when you say… That's exactly right. Les, or something, don't you never call one of your child… children that. If it is, change it right quickly, people. Don't you… You that… If you believe me to be God's servant, don't tack that name on that poor child. See? No, sir, give him another name besides that.

    65-1206 - Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy
    Rev. William Marrion Branham